Amazing Nutrition Folic Acid Folate for a Wonderful Pregnancy

Folic acid folate is a B complex water soluble vitamin. When you take mostly citrus fruits like orange, strawberry, pineapple and other fruits namely banana, papaya etc., you get folate and when it is synthesized by your body it becomes folic acid. You can get this acid from bio synthesis also in the form of natural nutrition supplement. This nutrition is very important for cell formation and for production of red blood cells.

Folic Acids

Folic acid folate is essential for a wonderful pregnancy. Studies reveal that mothers deficient with folate give birth to neural defect babies. This acid is important for spine fluid. The deficiency leads to brain and spine disorders. In all probability cancer cells formation out of spine liquid in the case of ependymoma for an adult could be due to his or her mother's ignorance of the importance of folic acid during her pregnancy period. Ependymoma is a kind of cancer cells formation that occurs either in the spine or spinal cord or in the brain.

Folic Acids

Inadequate red blood cells lead to anemic conditions. Diarrhea, loss of appetite, heart palpitation etc., are some of the symptoms of this nutrition deficiency.

You should bear in mind three important points to ensure happy pregnancy.

Know that the first 28 days of pregnancy is where the baby's spine and brain are formed. This is the periphery pregnancy period. If you can plan your pregnancy you are lucky to predict this. But in many cases it is not possible. If you are lucky you would have paid attention during this time.

However you cannot simply stop thereafter. You should continue for another 3 months. The dosage is 600 mcg per day.

Many women cannot predict or even plan their pregnancy. What is the remedy for them? It is very simple. Every child bearing- woman should take folic acid folate atleast 400 mcg per day and during pregnancy it should be 600 mcg per day.

Many people think that it is enough to take only folic acid rich fruits and vegetables like orange, papaya, banana, strawberry, pineapple, spinach, broccoli etc. Of course it is good to take them. But it is not the end of all. If you are very focused you should not only take required folic acid but also other nutrition as well.

There is a fantastic natural nutrition supplement specifically designed for child-bearing women. That has more than 70 natural herbs and salts including folic acid folate. This is the holistic approach so that the nutrition is completely balanced for a women who can ensure a wonderful pregnancy. Visit my website and I am sure you are guaranteed to have a great pregnancy.

Amazing Nutrition Folic Acid Folate for a Wonderful Pregnancy
Folic Acids

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